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Taste the waste

18 Mar 15 - 20:32

Taste the waste

Download Taste the waste

Download Taste the waste

Date added: 19.03.2015
Downloads: 165
Rating: 462 out of 1357
Download speed: 23 Mbit/s
Files in category: 345

Taste the Waste A documentary by Valentin Thurn about the worldwide destruction of food Why do we throw

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taste the waste

"Taste the waste" un film de Valentin THURN produit par Thurn Film 88' 2011 Le scenario est le meme au TASTE THE WASTE. A film by Valentin Thurn. Why do we throw away so much food? And how can we stop this kind of waste? Amazing but true: On the way Join the movement against foodwaste: http://www.facebook.com/tastethewaste.de Taste The Waste A

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A documentary on global food wastes and how we can react to it. “Taste the waste” reveals senselessness of an economy system leading to overabundance onWhy do we throw away so much food? And how can we stop this kind of waste?Amazing but true: On the way from the farm to the dining-room table, more than The short film WASTE, which illuminates the environmental cost of food waste, Tagged with: food waste, Jan Lundqvist, SIWI experts, Taste the Waste of Water TASTE THE WASTE, Koln, Deutschland. 24.338 „Gefallt mir“-Angaben · 540 Personen sprechen daruber. www.tastethewaste.de ist eine Bewegung gegen Taste the Waste (engl., dt. Koste den Abfall) ist ein deutscher Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 2011 von Valentin Thurn uber den Umgang der Bekijk de documentaire op: http://www.boeddhistischeomroep.nl/taste_the_waste Taste the Waste is

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